The Daily Adventures of Fatsy and The Shrimp

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Top 14 reasons to date an engineer:

14. We are trained to do it right the first time
13. We are used to all nighters
12. We are always willing to experiment
11. We know how to decrease and increase friction
10. We know all about heat transfer
9. We do it with more torque
8. We can wire your circuits
7. Free body diagrams
6. Potential for smart children
5. Engineering couples have better moments
4. We know how to deal with stress and strain
3. We know it's not the length of the vector that counts, but how you apply the force
2. "Lubrication, Friction and Wear" is actually a class
1. The world DOES revolve around us....we pick the coordinate system

I Don't Need Sex - The College of Engineering Fucks Me All The Time

You might be an engineer if:

1)You have no life - and you can PROVE it mathematically.
2)You enjoy pain.
3)You know vector calculus but you can't remember how to do long division.
4)You chuckle whenever anyone says "centrifugal force".
5)You've actually used every single function on your graphing calculator.
6)It is sunny and 70 degrees outside, and you are working on a computer.
7)You frequently whistle the theme song to "MacGyver".
8)You know how to integrate a chicken and can take the derivative of water.
9)You think in "math".
10)You've calculated that the World Series actually diverges.
11)You hesitate to look at something because you don't want to break down its wave function.
12)You have a pet named after a scientist.
13)You laugh at jokes about mathematicians.
14)The Humane society has you arrested because you actually performed the Schrodinger's Cat experiment.
15)You can translate English into Binary.
16)You can't remember what's behind the door in the engineering building which says "Exit".
17)You have to bring a jacket with you, in the middle of summer, because there's a wind-chill factor in the lab.
18)You are completely addicted to caffeine.
19)You avoid doing anything because you don't want to contribute to the eventual heat-death of the universe.
20)You consider ANY non-engineering course "easy".
21)When your professor asks you where your homework is, you claim to have accidentally determined its momentum so precisely, that according to Heisenberg it could be anywhere in the universe.
22)The "fun" center of your brain has deteriorated from lack of use.
23)You'll assume that a "horse" is a "sphere" in order to make the math easier.
24)The blinking 12:00 on someone's VCR draws you in like a tractor beam to fix it.
25)You bring a computer manual / technical journal as vacation reading.
26)The salesperson at Circuit City can't answer any of your questions.
27)You can't help eavesdropping in computer stores... and correcting the salesperson.
28)You're in line for the guillotine... it stops working properly... and you offer to fix it.
29)You go on the rides at Disneyland and sit backwards to see how they do the special effects.
30)You have any "Dilbert" comics displayed in your work area.
31)You have a habit of destroying things in order to see how they work.
32)You have never backed up your hard drive.
33)You haven't bought any new underwear or socks for yourself since you got married.
34)You spent more on your calculator than on your wedding ring.
35)You think that when people around you yawn, it's because they didn't get enough sleep.
36)You would rather get more dots per inch than miles per gallon
37)You've even calculated how much you make per second.
38)Your favorite James Bond character is "Q," the guy who makes the gadgets.
39)You understood more than five of these jokes.
40)You make a copy of this list, and post it on your door (or your home page !)

You know You're in college When.......

Believe me folks, this is too goddamn true, especially for me:

You know you're in college when...

1. High school started before 8am, but now anything before noon is considered “early."

2. You have more beer than food in your fridge.

3. Weekends start on Thursday. No... Wednesday.

4. 6am is when you go to sleep, not when you wake up.

5. You know many different ways to cook ramen noodles or macaroni and cheese.

6. The health center gives out free condoms, and people take them… just in case.

7. Instead of falling asleep in class, you stay in bed.

8. You know how late McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Qdoba, etc. are open.

9. You think it’s the weekend on a Wednesday and you don’t know what month it is.

10. You can't remember the last time you washed your car.

11. Your underwear/sock supply dictates your laundry schedule.

12. You check Facebook/Myspace more than once a day.

13. You get drunk dialed on any night of the week.

14. You wash dishes in the bathroom sink.

15. You’ve fallen off a loft bed.

16. You talk about beer pong like it’s a sport.

17. Finding random people in your house is perfectly normal, and you even sympathize with them... sometimes when you wake up you have no idea where you are.

18. Your primary news sources are the Daily Show and the Colbert Report.

19. You open a beer at 10 am and your roommate asks you if there’s more.

20. The standard of meals per day falls to two, sometimes just one.

21. Your trash is overflowing and your bank account isn’t.

22. You go to Target or WalMart more than 3 times a week.

23. You wear the same jeans for 13 days without washing them.

24. Your breakfast consists of a coke or cereal bar on the way to class... anything with caffeine will do.

25. Quarters are like gold.

26. Your idea of feeding the poor is buying yourself some ramen noodles.

27. You live in a house with three couches, none of which match.

28. You try to study but seem to procrastinate by eating, going to study breaks, talking to people, etc...

29. You talk to your roommate on instant messenger when you’re both home.

30. You ask people what YOU did last night.

31. Certain things are now deemed "facebook worthy." When friends take pictures of you, you wonder how long it will take them to post them.

32. You’ve seen a hit and run involving a bicyclist/pedestrian.

33. You see people you know you’ve met but can never remember their names or how you know them.

34. You sleep more in class than in your room

35. Your idea of a square meal is a box of Pop-Tarts.

36. You've traveled with bags of dirty clothes.

37. You go home to do your laundry because you're too poor to pay the $2... or too lazy to go to a change machine.

38. You pay $100 for a book you don't read once, return it four months later, and get $7.

39. More than 20% of your household furnishings are made from milk crates.

40. You recognize the meat in the dorm soup as yesterday's meatloaf, and thus decide to eat a nice bowl of cereal - a safe bet for any meal.

41. You use words like "thus" (see #40).

42. You throw out bowls and plates because you don't feel like washing them.

43. Your beer pong table is nicer than all your other tables.

44. It takes preparation... and 3 people... to take out your garbage.

45. Going to the library is a social event.

46. You wear flip flops in the shower your freshman year... you know why.

47. You start joining clubs because of the free food.

48. Visits home depend on how much money you have for gas.

49. You skip one class to write a paper for another.

50. You have no idea where your tuition money is going... technology fees? I think not.

51. Bicycles don't seem as lame as they did in high school.

52. You stay up late to finish homework then sleep through the class in which it was due.

53. Girls: You've balanced your foot on a shampoo bottle to shave.

54. Your backpack is giving you scoliosis.

55. You've written a check for 45 cents or stopped to get $2.00 of gas.

56. Your bill in the bookstore will be comparable to tuition.

57. Going to the mailbox becomes an ego booster/breaker.

58. Most of your T.A.s are foreign...what's the deal?

59. You never realized so many people are smarter than you.

60. You never realized so many people are more dumb (aka "dumber") than you.

61. Western Europe could be wiped out by a terrible plague and you'd never know, but you can recite the last episode of your favorite show verbatim.

62. Care packages rank right up there with birthdays.

63. You craft ways to make any game into a drinking/stripping game.

64. You meet the type of people you thought only existed in movies.

65. Printers break down only when you desperately need them.

66. Anything can be cooked in a microwave.

67. Two words: bike cops.

68. You have Safe Ride programmed into your phone.

69. Old school Nintendo... and guitar hero... are pretty much the best things ever.

70. Going to the grocery at midnight is completely normal.

71. You call restaurants that deliver more than you call your own family.

72. You've paid bills over $5... in coins.

73. You can't imagine life without your computer/cell phone/ ipod.

74. Hoodies and sweatpants become the norm - jeans are considered "dressy" at certain occasions... like school.

75. A canceled class is almost as exciting as Christmas.

76. Taking a nap in the library is perfectly acceptable.

77. Your professors speak English... as a second language.

78. Your teachers swear in class and no one cares.

79. Candles in your dorm room are considered contraband, but cigarettes are ok.

80. You take condiment packets and napkins from fast food restaurants - hey, they're free.

81. Betta fish are like your family.

82. You bring back socks from the laundry room that may or may not be yours.

83. You know what people carrying suspiciously heavy backpacks after dark are doing...

84. The elevators take forever but you'll wait 10 minutes just so you don't have to climb stairs.

85. Your roommate asks you to check the weather on your computer when they're standing 5 feet away from the door.

86. Showers become more of an issue.

87. You press the automatic door opener instead of simply grabbing the handle when you approach a door.

88. Christmas lights seem to be acceptable all year round.

89. Class size doubles on exam days.

90. You donate plasma even though you know it's pretty sketchy.

91. You are no longer thankful that fire alarms are here to protect you.

92. You've bought Christmas presents from the book store and charged it to your student account so your parents pay for the gifts because you're too broke.

93. You begin to include ketchup on your list of acceptable vegetables.

94. You stay on campus for hours in between classes when it's too cold to walk home.

95. People have to help you kick the vending machine just so you can get your 50 cent bag of chips.

96. There's always a "question kid" in at least one of your classes, and you really wish someone would just tell him/her to shut the hell up.

97. You steal dishes from the cafeteria so you don't have to wash your own.

98. Laundry is an all-day event.

99. You no longer find it uncool to take naps. In fact, you quite enjoy them.

100. It's illegal to drink in the dorms yet they sell an assortment of shot glasses, beer mugs, tankards, etc. in the bookstore.

101. You find your list of acceptable napping places expanding daily to increasingly uncomfortable locations.

102. You fill out credit card applications for the free food.

103. You've eaten cereal out of a cup... with a fork.

104. Dressing up for Halloween becomes cool again.

105. You know at least one person who has dropped his/her cell phone into a toilet.

106. You hang multiple shirts on the same hanger to save space/money.

107. You become increasingly annoyed with the "old" people in class - props to them for going back to college but they generally ask really, really annoying questions.

108. You admire people's alcohol bottle shrines.

109. You set your clock 5-10 minutes ahead so you can potentially make it to class on time.

110. You eventually realize that setting your clock ahead makes no difference to you and you're still late.

111. You check (or something of the like) before choosing your class schedule.

112. You text faster than you type.

113. You only find out a class is cancelled after you get there and sit for about ten minutes.

114. You actually start using coupons, especially those school coupon books.

115. You open canned food and eat it... out of the can.

116. You run out of black ink and, instead of buying a new ink cartridge, decide blue is a nice substitute... adds a little flair.

117. You have numbers in your phone with labels like “Sketchy Steve” and “Alcohol Guy.”

118. The food in your fridge may or may not be older than your little brother.

119. The words "google" and "wikipedia" have become verbs. And you use them... quite often.

120. The names Morgan, Jim, Jack, and Jose could aptly describe either who you were with last night or what you had to drink.

121. You fill your empty two-liter bottles with pop from the school cafeteria.

122. You have a drinking buddy who can hold the most intellectual, deep conversations when drunk. Unfortunately, neither he/she nor you can remember most of it later.

123. Your floor has been dirty to the point that you've had to brush your feet off before putting on socks or getting into bed.

124. You're all for the free samples at grocery stores.

125. Energy drinks become your new best friends.

126. You realize that taking summer classes pretty much negates the fun connotation of "summer."

127. You know exactly how much food will fit into a mini-fridge.

128. You realize that said mini-fridge does NOT freeze ice cream.

129. You've made a sandwich on or eaten food off of your $1500 laptop.

130. Your scar stories involve alcohol and/or hearing what happened to you from your more sober friends.

131. It is completely acceptable... and encouraged... to party on weeknights. What would life be without Wasted Wednesdays or Thirsty Thursdays?

132. Most of your textbooks remain unopened (possibly still shrink-wrapped) the entire semester.

133. Waking up in the morning and driving somewhere to get a friend's (or your) car becomes a norm.

134. The local supermarket sells ping pong balls... right next to solo red cups. Coincidence?

135. You go home for winter/summer break and suddenly your life back at college seems so exciting...

136. You smell the clear liquid in your water bottle before you drink it... just to make sure it's actually water.

137. You discover new bruises on your body and wonder where the hell they came from.

138. You find alternate routes to class in order to avoid annoying organization booths and/or the preacher on campus.

139. Two (more) words: Power Hour.

140. Lunchables are cool again.

141. People make snow penises instead of snowmen.

142. You know at least five people who've burned popcorn.

143. You wonder why dorms stop serving breakfast at 11am. What gives?

144. You attend insanely boring seminars because your professor offers extra credit. Hmm, maybe there will even be cookies or something...

145. You can't sit in the front row because of all the 'non-traditional' students.

146. You finish reading this and wonder how you can procrastinate next.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Top 20 Reasons to Date a Squash Player

1.we like it hard and fast against the wall
2.we're used to having bruises on our knees
3.we're used to performing in minimal amounts of clothing
4.after 90 seconds we're ready to go at it again
5.we don't mind getting hot and sweaty
6. we're always open to new moves & positions
7. we perform to please the crowd
8. we know where the sweet spot is
9. we show off our legs
10. we like being videotaped to improve ourselves
11. we enjoy doing hard things
12. we're always on top of the ball
13.we hit from any angle
14. we're good with our hands
15. we know how to play doubles
16. we like to be on top of our game
17. we know how to take it up the middle
18. we play the court until we score
19. We can do it forehand and backhand.
20. one word..FLEXIBILITY

Saturday, October 6, 2007

How one can have fun after changing one's sex(on the internet)

andiie mcmillan says:
andiie mcmillan says:
asl plz
Vish The Fish says:
Vish The Fish says:
19 f usa
andiie mcmillan says:
Vish The Fish says:
andiie mcmillan says:
so what on 5th of nov.
andiie mcmillan says:
this is 18 male
Vish The Fish says:

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:

andiie mcmillan just sent you a nudge.

andiie mcmillan says:
andiie mcmillan says:
u der?
Vish The Fish says:

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:

Vish The Fish says:

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:

andiie mcmillan just sent you a nudge.

Vish The Fish says:
andiie mcmillan says:
andiie mcmillan says:
Vish The Fish says:
so wht do u do, andie? and whr u frm?
andiie mcmillan says:
iam a science student sutdiin 12th grade frm london
Vish The Fish says:
London... ooh... thts gr8!
andiie mcmillan says:
wahts gr8 in that
Vish The Fish says:
london's a gr8 plce, isn't it?
andiie mcmillan says:
ya it is
andiie mcmillan says:
and u say
andiie mcmillan says:
where in usa
Vish The Fish says:
m frm sf
andiie mcmillan says:
andiie mcmillan says:
even sf is a good place
andiie mcmillan says:
so girlie do u have a cam
Vish The Fish says:
noooooo... I have pics,though...
andiie mcmillan says:
will u share then with us
Vish The Fish says:
"us" how mny of u r there? ROFL!
andiie mcmillan says:
by mistake
andiie mcmillan says:
srry girl
andiie mcmillan says:
with me
andiie mcmillan says:
hello r u proceding
Vish The Fish says:
andiie mcmillan says:
Vish The Fish says:
Vish The Fish says:
there... my pic...
andiie mcmillan says:
can u share tem with me
andiie mcmillan says:
Vish The Fish says:
clk on tht link...
Vish The Fish says:
andiie mcmillan says:
nice pic but its animated i want the real one
andiie mcmillan says:
girl its a request
andiie mcmillan says:
andiie mcmillan says:
u der?

andiie mcmillan just sent you a nudge.

Vish The Fish says:
andiie mcmillan says:
ohk iam starting
andiie mcmillan says:
the pic sharing
Vish The Fish says:
andiie mcmillan says:
b serious girl
andiie mcmillan says:
so lemme fuck u
andiie mcmillan says:
u maderchod
Vish The Fish says:
andiie mcmillan says:
girl u r pissing me off
andiie mcmillan says:
andiie mcmillan says:
its a request
Vish The Fish says:
fuck off!
andiie mcmillan says:
and die
Vish The Fish says:
yeah... do that, freak!
andiie mcmillan says:
ur freak
andiie mcmillan says:
and fraud as well
andiie mcmillan says:
fakking it
Vish The Fish says:
its spelt "faking", dick-head
andiie mcmillan says:
what eva
andiie mcmillan says:
u got it na
Vish The Fish says:
haha... desperate dick-head... haha
andiie mcmillan says:
desperate seems so but not a dick head
Vish The Fish says:
uh-huh... you aren't even capable of that, are you?
andiie mcmillan says:
iam am
andiie mcmillan says:
trust me
Vish The Fish says:
so what you're saying is that you're capable of being a dick-head?
andiie mcmillan says:
na whore
andiie mcmillan says:
so u r a whore
andiie mcmillan says:
andiie mcmillan says:
u maderfuckaa
Vish The Fish says:
go learn how to spell, ass-face... and no, I am not your mother...
andiie mcmillan says:
shut up bastard
andiie mcmillan says:
u r pissing me off
andiie mcmillan says:
seems like u r asexual
Vish The Fish says:
ooh... I'm scared... what you gonna do, get your london ass here and do me?

And thus, the dick-less scum was vanquished...


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Fatsy at the Beach

Fatsy came and Fatsy saw,
Unfortunately, Fatsy didnt have time 2 conquer.
If he did, he might have, but then again,
He probably wouldn't.
Thats my luck, its always been,
N i dont think its gonna change.
The sights n sounds, a treat for all
Especially us guys, and maybe the girls as well.
All that i can say is,
God bless the guy who invented bikinis!!!!!!!!!

Whoever said less is more, sure as hell knew what they were talkin about
I mean c'mon, anyone would agree.
The soft warm sand underneath my feet,
The muffled roar and splash,
Of the waves as they crash upon the shore.
Making my way across the beach,
To the cool clear water,

Splashing about, damn that felt good.
But dont be fooled, i aint baywatch good.
Though there certainly were quite a few who were.
Damn that was good fun.
Missed ya badly Shrimpy.
Wish U were There.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fatsy in the States

Fatsy's here n Fatsy's safe.
They opened my bag n checked some stuff.
But didnt think of takin it away.
And besides, what matters is that i managed not 2 get drunk.
The red was good, the white one better, but the baileys d best.
God bless those airhostesses, who didn't kno i was underage.
Hang in there Shrimpy, I'm gonna b back.
I've left a lot of things behind.
A lot of it is mine.
And one other thing i hafta make mine.
So hang in there pal, try not 2 get eaten,
Though i here shrimps r quite tasty, any way other than raw.
Coz u kno i will b back,
For i hafta make that thing mine